Pub. 1 2018-2019 |Issue 3

23 Q: Are there any specific individuals who had a major impact on your career? A: There are four. My Grandfather, Gordon Wilson Sr., owned a Chevrolet dealership in Downtown Detroit. I worked at his dealership from a young age learning his strong work ethic. This strong work ethic helped him survive through the Great Depression even though he lost everything. From then on that experience helped guide him in his future success in business. My Uncle Gordon Wilson Jr. owned as Chevrolet dealership in Murray Utah starting in the mid-1960s. His success as a dealer was due to his great ability to market himself and cars. Most people who were around Salt Lake in those days remember “Gordon Wilson: what a great, great guy!” It was his successful slogan. The final two people are Robert and Ken Garff. They taught me how to run a business and the importance of being fair in all business dealings. They were good to their partners and their employees. (I was a partner.) They also had a strong interest in giving back to the community. Q: What is the most reward- ing part of your career? A: Having a legacy to pass on to our sons, Michael and Dan. Q: What do you think will be some of the dominant trends within the auto industry in the next 5–10 years? A: Autonomous cars are already starting to appear. As a result, the upcoming generation won’t be as likely to own a car. Ride sharing and vehicle sharing will become increasingly dominant. In the past, dealers have been very good at adapting to market fluctuations, and I think that’s what will happen here, too. Autonomous cars are not going to replace regular cars. When the internet came around, people thought it might replace dealerships, but it didn’t. It became another tool for dealers to use. This is similar. Autonomous cars will be an additional choice, and they will need distribution and service. Q: If you look back at your career and life, what would be three things that you have learned, that you would pass onto a younger member within the auto industry? A: 1. The opportunities are limitless. You can own your own dealership. 2. Work hard and stick to your goals. Don’t be derailed by failure. 3. Give back to the community. Q: What do you see as the benefits of NCDU membership? A: We are stronger when we work together, even though we are com- petitors. When it comes to legislation, medical care, insurance, and charitable work, we can do more collectively than we can individually. 3 Q&A with Mike MacDonald